Flexible Werkt!

Temping by FLEXible Works!

Flexible staff for peaks and quiet times

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Make smart choices with good advice about staff

In the Netherlands, labor laws for employers are overlapping. The Work and Security Act, the Gatekeeper Improvement Act ... have I lost your attention?

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Optimize your business with a strong HR policy

Large organizations have an HR department that regulates all personnel policy, for SME's it is impossible to have all the knowledge in-house.

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Stay flexible with a secondment agency

As an entrepreneur you want to do business in your own way, without worrying about personnel obligations. Secondment agency FLEXible Werkt makes it possible.

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Payroll at FLEXible

Human resources for you and your employees well arranged.

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Office Weert

T. +31 495 - 843 610
De Noord 1
6001 DA Weert
The Netherlands

Stichting normering
Fair Produce